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Things of Middle-earth

Eagles of Númenor

Type: Animals

Other Names:
The Eagles of the Lords of the West
The Witnesses of Manwë

Description:... the birds of Númenor were beyond count, from the kirinki that were no bigger than wrens ... to the great eagles that were held sacred to Manwë, and never afflicted, until the days of evil and the hatred of the Valar began. For two thousand years, from the days of Elros Tar-Minyatur until the time of Tar-Ancalimon..., there was an eyrie in the summit of the tower of the King's palace in Armenelos; and there one pair ever dwelt and lived on the bounty of the King.

Unfinished Tales, Part 2, Ch 1, Description of the Island of Númenor

Towards the North Cape [of Forostar] the land rose to rocky heights, and there great Sorontil rose sheer from the sea in tremendous cliffs. Here was the abode of many eagles....

Unfinished Tales, Part 2, Ch 1, A Description of the Island of Númenor

If anyone approached the summit [of Meneltarma], at once three eagles would appear and alight upon three rocks near to the western edge; but at the times of the Three Prayers they did not descend, remaining in the sky and hovering above the people. They were called the Witnesses of Manwë, and they were believed to be sent by him from Aman to keep watch upon the Holy Mountain and upon all the land.

Unfinished Tales, Part 2, Ch 1, Description of the Island of Númenor

Then the Eagles of the Lords of the West came up out of the dayfall, and they were arrayed as for battle, advancing in a line the end of which diminished beyond sight; and as they came their wings spread ever wider, grasping the sky. But the West burned red behind them, and they glowed beneath, as though they were lit with a flame of great anger, so that all Númenor was illumined as with a smouldering fire....

The Silmarillion, Akallabêth

Contributors: Elena Tiriel 28Feb05, 15Nov05

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