Places in Middle-earth
Type: Seas, Oceans, Bays
Region: Other Arda
Meaning: Mighty sea
Other Names
the Sundering Seas
the Western Sea
the Great Water
the Great Sea
Location: The great sea between Aman and Middle-earth.
Description: See main entry under The Sea
beleg 'mighty' in Beleg, Belegaer, Belegost, Laer Cú Beleg.
ëar 'sea' (Quenya) in Eärendil, Eärrámë, and many other names. The Sindarin word gaer (in Belegaer) is apparently derived from the same original stem.
The Silmarillion, Appendix: Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names
Contributors: Lyllyn 4Dec05
added quote: Elena Tiriel 5Dec05