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Places in Middle-earth


Type: Rivers & Lakes

Region: Beleriand & North

Location: A river beginning in the hills of Dorthonion, in East Beleriand, and running along the eastern and southern border of Doriath into the Sirion.

Description: The Ford of Aros, known as Arossiach, was between Himlad to the east and the Silent Land (Dor Dínen) to the west. It was used to cross the Aros along the ancient road passing through that land.
From The Atlas of Middle-earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad, Revised Edition

From the Silmarillion:

"All living things else shunned that land, and the Noldor would pass through Nan Dungortheb only at great need, by paths near to the borders of Doriath and furthest from the haunted hills... Thence he passed through Dor Dínen, the Silent Land, and crossing the Arossiach (which signifies the Fords of Aros) came to the north marches of Beleriand, where dwelt the sons of Fëanor."

"Southward lay the guarded woods of Doriath, abode of Thingol the Hidden King, into whose realm none passed save by his will. Its northern and lesser part, the Forest of Neldoreth, was bounded east and south by the dark river Esgalduin, which bent westward in the midst of the land; and between Aros and Esgalduin lay the denser and greater woods of Region."
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 14, Of Beleriand and Its Realms

"Therefore Thingol called upon Denethor; and the Elves came in force from Region beyond Aros and from Ossiriand, and fought the first battle in the Wars of Beleriand. And the eastern host of the Orcs was taken between the armies of the Eldar, north of the Andram and midway between Aros and Gelion, and there they were utterly defeated, and those that fled north from the great slaughter were waylaid by the axes of the Naugrim that issued from Mount Dolmed: few indeed returned to Angband."
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 10, Of the Sindar

"Now the traffic of the Dwarves down from the Blue Mountains followed two roads across East Beleriand, and the northern way, going towards the Fords of Aros, passed nigh to Nan Elmoth; and there Eöl would meet the Naugrim and hold converse with them."
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 22, Of the Ruin of Doriath

Contributors: docmon, edited 18 Sept 05

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