Places in Middle-earth
Type: Rivers & Lakes
Region: Beleriand & North
Location: A river flowing westward from its source in the Blue Mountains into the Gelion in Ossiriand .
Description: From Ered Luin flowed the six tributaries of Gelion: Ascar (that was after named Rathlóriel), Thalos, Legolin, Brilthor, Duilwen, and Adurant, swift and turbulent streams, falling steeply from the mountains; and between Ascar in the north and Adurant in the south, and between Gelion and Ered Luin, lay the far green country of Ossiriand, the Land of Seven Rivers.
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 14, Of Beleriand and Its Realms
Contributors: Elena Tiriel 17Jan05