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Places in Middle-earth


Type: Rivers & Lakes

Region: Beleriand & North

Location: A river arising from three streams in the Mountains of Shadow, flowing southeast to the Crossings of Teiglin, then skirting the southern edge of the Forest of Brethil until it joins the Sirion at Nivrim; its tributaries are Glithui, Malduin, and Celebros.


Map of Doriath.
Brethil and its environs, showing the course of the Teiglin.
Now the great and fair country of Beleriand lay on either side of the mighty river Sirion.... And following Sirion from north to south there lay upon the right hand in West Beleriand the Forest of Brethil between Sirion and Teiglin, and then the realm of Nargothrond, between Teiglin and Narog.

The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 14, Of Beleriand and Its Realms

Nine days [from Ivrin] they held on..., Voronwë turned somewhat north, until they crossed the three well-streams of Teiglin; and then he bore eastward again, leaving the mountains, and went warily, until they passed Glithui1 and came to the stream of Malduin....

Unfinished Tales, Part 1, Ch 1, Of Tuor and His Coming to Gondolin

Map of Brethil.
Detail of the Crossings of Teiglin and the Ravines of Teiglin.
Now the river Teiglin ran in this manner. It flowed down from Ered Wethrin swift as Narog, but at first between low shores, until after the Crossings, gathering power from other streams, it clove a way through the feet of the highlands upon which stood the Forest of Brethil. Thereafter it ran in deep ravines, whose great sides were like walls of rock, but pent at the bottom the waters flowed with great force and noise. And... one of these gorges, by no means the deepest, but the narrowest, [lay] just north of the inflow of Celebros.

Unfinished Tales, Part 1, Ch 2, Narn I Hîn Húrin: The Coming of Glaurung

[The] road [to Ephel Brandir, in Brethil] went steeply upward towards Amon Obel until it came to a place where it must cross the tumbling stream of Celebros. There a bridge of wood had been built, and below it the stream... fell down by many foaming steps.... [Over] the bridge there was a wide view towards the ravines of Teiglin some two miles to the west.... Dimrost, the Rainy Stair, those falls were called, but after that day Nen Girith....

Unfinished Tales, Part 1, Ch 2, Narn I Hîn Húrin: Nienor in Brethil

Glaurung came to the borders of Brethil....

Now... Glaurung lay on the brink of the high shores of Teiglin... at Cabed-en-Aras, where the river ran in a deep and narrow gorge that a hunted deer might overleap....

The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 21, Of Túrin Turambar

On the east side [of Cabed-en-Aras] was a sheer cliff of some forty feet, bare but tree-grown at the crown; on the other side was a bank somewhat less sheer and less high, shrouded with hanging trees and bushes, but between them the water ran fiercely among rocks, and though a man bold and surefooted might ford it by day, it was perilous....

Unfinished Tales, Part 1, Ch 2, Narn I Hîn Húrin: The Coming of Glaurung

[All] Doriath lay east of Sirion save for a narrow region of woodland between the meeting of Teiglin and Sirion and the Meres of Twilight. By the people of Doriath this wood was called Nivrim, the West March....

The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Ch 14, Of Beleriand and its Realms

1The river Glithui is not mentioned in The Silmarillion and is not named on the map, though it is shown: a tributary of the Teiglin joining that river some way north of the inflowing of the Malduin.

Unfinished Tales, Part 1, Ch 1, Of Tuor and His Coming to Gondolin: Notes, Note 16

Elena Tiriel 5Dec04, 15Dec09, 25Dec11

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