Henneth Annun Reseach Center

Places in Middle-earth


Type: Cities, Towns, Settlements

Region: Aman

Other Names Haven of the Swans, Swanhaven

Location: On the shores of the Bay of Eldamar, outside the steep-walled Calacirya, somewhat north of Eressëa.

Description: ...their halls were of pearl, and of pearl were the mansions of Olwë at Alqualondë, the Haven of the Swans, lit with many lamps. For that was their city, and the haven of their ships; and those were made in the likeness of swans, with beaks of gold and eyes of gold and jet. The gate of that harbour was an arch of living rock sea-carved; and it lay upon the confines of Eldamar, north of the Calacirya, where the light of the stars was bright and clear.
The Silmarillion, Ch 5, Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië

Contributors: Lyllyn 5.31.03

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