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Places in Middle-earth

Thorn Sir

Type: Rivers & Lakes

Region: Beleriand & North

Meaning: Eagle River

Location: A stream located in the deep gorge beside the Cirith Thoronath (Eagles' Cleft), the pass leading through the Encircling Mountains of Gondolin.

Description: "And from that deep is no escape at either end any more than by the sides, and Thorn Sir runs at bottom."
"He falls therein from the south over a great precipice but with a slender water, for he is a thin stream in those heights, and he issues to the north after flowing but a rocky-mile above ground down a narrow passage that goes into the mountain, and scarce a fish could squeeze through with him."
Book of Lost Tales 2, Ch III, The Fall of Gondolin

Thorn Sir is not mentioned anywhere outside of The Book of Lost Tales 2.

Contributors: Lyllyn 12.06.03

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