Henneth Annun Reseach Center

Timeline Event

Dwarves attack Orc strongholds in the Misty Mountains

Event Type: Military/Strategic

Age: 3rd Age - The Stewards

Dates: January 1, 2793 ~ November 30, 2799

This event begins the fighting in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs; see that entry for the overall timeline.

When all was ready they assailed and sacked one by one all the strongholds of the Orcs that they could from Gundabad to the Gladden. Both sides were pitiless, and there was death and cruel deeds by dark and by light. But the Dwarves had the victory through their strength, and their matchless weapons, and the fire of their anger, as they hunted for Azog in every den under mountain.

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers: Durin's Folk

[Note: the dates are set arbitrarily to follow the Muster of the Dwarves for the War of the Dwarves and Orcs and precede the Battle of Azanulbizar.]

Elena Tiriel 30Jul04

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