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Timeline Event

Sauron corrupts Ar-Pharazôn and the Númenóreans

Event Type: Political

Age: Akallabêth/Last Alliance

Years: 3262 ~ 3310


Sauron is taken as prisoner to Númenor; 3262-3310 Sauron seduces the King and corrupts the Númenoreans.

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix B, The Tale of Years: The Second Age

And Sauron ... was crafty, well skilled to gain what he would by subtlety when force might not avail. Therefore he humbled himself before Ar-Pharazôn and smoothed his tongue; and men wondered, for all that he said seemed fair and wise.

But Ar-Pharazôn was not yet deceived, and [he thought] that..., [Sauron] should be brought to Númenor ... as a hostage.... To this Sauron assented as one constrained, yet in his secret thought he received it gladly, for it chimed indeed with his desire. ...

Yet such was the cunning of his mind and mouth, and the strength of his hidden will, that ere three years had passed he had become closest to the secret counsels of the King; for flattery sweet as honey was ever on his tongue, and knowledge he had of many things yet unrevealed to Men. And seeing the favour that he had of their lord all the councillors began to fawn upon him, save one alone, Amandil lord of Andúnië. Then slowly a change came over the land, and the hearts of the Elf-friends were sorely troubled, and many fell away out of fear; and although those that remained still called themselves the Faithful, their enemies named them rebels. For now, having the ears of men, Sauron with many arguments gainsaid all that the Valar had taught; and he bade men think that in the world, in the east and even in the west, there lay yet many seas and many lands for their winning, wherein was wealth uncounted.

The Silmarillion, Akallabêth

Lyllyn 7.04.03
added quote: Elena Tiriel 15Nov05

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