Timeline Event
The White Council: Last meeting
Event Type: Political
Age: 3rd Age - The Stewards
Year: 2953
The White Council meets and debates concerning the Rings, fearing especially that Sauron may find the One. Saruman feigns that he has discovered that it passed down Anduin to the Sea. He then withdraws to Isengard and fortifies it, and consorts no more with members of the Council.
Peoples of Middle-earth, Part 1, Ch VIII, The Tale of Years of the Third Age,
Owing to Saruman's jealousy and hatred of Gandalf he ceased to cooperate with the Council, which last met in 2953. Without any formal declaration Saruman then seized Isengard as his own domain and paid no further attention to Gondor. The Council no doubt disapproved of this; but Saruman was a free agent, and had the right, if he wished, to act independently according to his own policy in the resistance to Sauron.
Unfinished Tales, Part 4, Ch 3, The Palantíri
Lyllyn 1Jun03
added quote: Elena Tiriel 20Dec04