Henneth Annun Reseach Center

Timeline Event

Battle of Bywater

Event Type: Military/Strategic

Age: 3rd Age - Ring War

Date: November 3, 3019

The fight between Sharkey's men and the hobbits of Hobbiton and Bywater, led by Merry and Pippin. In the end, Saruman and Grima died, and it marked the end of the Ring War.

"At last all was over. Nearly seventy of the ruffians lay dead on the field, and a dozen were prisoners. Nineteen hobbits were killed, and some thirty were wounded. The dead ruffians were laden on waggons and hauled off to an old sand-pit nearby and there buried: in the Battle Pit, as it was afterwards called. The fallen hobbits were laid together in a grave on the hill-side, where later a great stone was set up with a garden about it. So ended the Battle of Bywater, 1419, the last battle fought in the Shire, and the only battle since the Greenfields, 1147, away up in the Northfarthing. In consequence, though it happily cost very few lives, it has a chapter to itself in the Red Book, and the names of all those who took part were made into a Roll, and learned by heart by Shire-historians. The very considerable rise in the fame and fortune of the Cottons dates from this time; but at the top of the Roll in all accounts stand the names of Captains Meriadoc and Peregrin."
RotK, Book VI, Ch 8, The Scouring of the Shire

Moriel 5.2.03
Lyllyn 5.13.03 Quotes added.

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