Character Bios
Location(s): Valinor
Race/Species: Ainur
Type/Kind: Maia
Title(s): Handmaid of Varda
With the Valar came other spirits whose being also began before the World, of the same order as the Valar but of less degree. These are the Maiar, the people of the Valar, and their servants and helpers. ...
Chief among the Maiar of Valinor whose names are remembered in the histories of the Elder Days are Ilmarë, the handmaid of Varda....
The Silmarillion, Valaquenta: Of the Maiar
ilm- This stem appears in Ilmen, Ilmarë, and also in Ilmarin ('mansion of the high airs', the dwelling of Manwë and Varda upon Oiolossë).
The Silmarillion, Appendix: Elements in Quenya and Sindarin Names
Elena Tiriel 8Dec05