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Things of Middle-earth

Emblems of Dol Amroth, The

Type: Miscellaneous

Other Names:
The Silver Swan
The Ship and the Silver Swan
White Ship and Swan

Ship: white ship and swan, emblems of Dol Amroth ...

The Return of the King, LoTR, Index

And last and proudest, Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth, kinsman of the Lord, with gilded banners bearing his token of the Ship and the Silver Swan, and a company of knights in full harness riding grey horses; and behind them seven hundreds of men at arms, tall as lords, grey-eyed, dark-haired, singing as they came.

The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 1, Minas Tirith

New forces of the enemy were hastening up the road from the River; and from under the walls came the legions of Morgul; and from the southward fields came footmen of Harad with horsemen before them, and behind them rose the huge backs of the mûmakil with war-towers upon them. But northward the white crest of Éomer led the great front of the Rohirrim which he had again gathered and marshalled; and out of the City came all the strength of men that was in it, and the silver swan of Dol Amroth was borne in the van, driving the enemy from the Gate.

The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 6, The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Contributors: Elena Tiriel 15Aug04

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