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Things of Middle-earth

Song to Goldberry

Type: Songs & Stories

Description:This was sung by Frodo to Goldberry.

"The hobbits looked at her in wonder; and she looked at each of them and smiled. 'Fair lady Goldberry!' said Frodo at last, feeling his heart moved with a joy that he did not understand. He stood as he had at times stood enchanted by fair elven-voices; but the spell that was now laid upon him was different: less keen and lofty was the delight, but deeper and nearer to mortal heart; marvellous and yet not strange. 'Fair lady Goldberry!' he said again. 'Now the joy that was hidden in the songs we heard is made plain to me.

O slender as a willow-wand! O clearer than clear water!
O reed by the living pool! Fair River-daughter!
O spring-time and summer-time, and spring again after!
O wind on the waterfall, and the leaves' laughter!'
Suddenly he stopped and stammered, overcome with surprise to hear himself saying such things. But Goldberry laughed."

FotR, Book I, Ch 7, In the House of Tom Bombadil

Contributors: Lyllyn 9.17.03

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