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Places in Middle-earth

House at Crickhollow, The

Type: Buildings, Halls, Houses

Region: Bree/The Shire

Other Names Ringhay from an earlier version of the story (Return of the Shadow, HoMe 6)

Location: At Crickhollow in the country north-east of Bucklebury.

Description: At last they came to a narrow gate in a thick hedge. Nothing could be seen of the house in the dark: it stood back from the lane in the middle of a wide circle of lawn surrounded by a belt of low trees inside the outer hedge. Frodo had chosen it, because it stood in an out-of-the-way corner of the country, and there were no other dwellings close by. You could get in and out without being noticed. It had been built a long while before by the Brandybucks, for the use of guests, or members of the family that wished to escape from the crowded life of Brandy Hall for a time. It was an old-fashioned countrified house, as much like a hobbit-hole as possible: it was long and low, with no upper storey; and it had a roof of turf, round windows, and a large round door.
As they walked lip the green path from the gate no light was visible; the windows were dark and shuttered. Frodo knocked on the door, and Fatty Bolger opened it. A friendly light streamed out. They slipped in quickly and shut themselves and the light inside. They were in a wide hall with doors on either side; in front of them a passage ran back down the middle of the house.
FotR, Book I, Ch 5, A Conspiracy Unmasked

Contributors: Lyllyn 6.10.03

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