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Places in Middle-earth


Type: Islands & Coasts

Region: Gondor

Meaning: Isle of the Shore

Other Names Tol Falas

Location: An island in the Bay of Belfalas, offshore from Ethir Anduin, the mouths of the river Anduin.


Map of the Bay of Belfalas.
The region of Gondor around the Bay of Belfalas.
[The shores of Middle-earth] were much changed in the tumult of the winds and seas that followed the Downfall; for in some places the sea rode in upon the land, and in others it piled up new coasts. Thus while Lindon suffered great loss, the Bay of Belfalas was much filled at the east and south, so that Pelargir which had been only a few miles from the sea was left far inland, and Anduin carved a new path by many mouths to the Bay. But the Isle of Tolfalas was almost destroyed, and was left at last like a barren and lonely mountain in the water not far from the issue of the River.

The Peoples of Middle-Earth, HoME Vol 12, Part 1, Ch 6, The Tale of Years of the Second Age

[Ships] approaching Anduin and making for Pelargir went by the eastern side of Tol Falas and took the sea-way passage made by the NĂºmenĂ³reans in the midst of the Delta of Anduin.

"Serni" entry, Unfinished Tales, Index

Amon Anwar was in fact the high place nearest to the centre of a line from the inflow of the Limlight down to the southern cape of Tol Falas.... [Author's note.]

Unfinished Tales, Part 3, Ch 2, Cirion and Eorl and the Friendship of Gondor and Rohan: Notes, Note 41

Iel_o_Thorongil 28Sep05
Elena Tiriel 12Nov05

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