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Places in Middle-earth


Type: Rivers & Lakes

Region: Rhovanion/Misty Mtns

Meaning: Redwater

Location: A river flowing from the Iron Hills to the Celduin (River Running).

Carnen 'Redwater', river flowing down from the Iron Hills to join the River Running.

Unfinished Tales, Index

Thrór ... returned to Erebor. To the Great Hall of Thráin, Thrór brought back the Arkenstone, and he and his folk prospered and became rich, and they had the friendship of all Men that dwelt near. For they made not only things of wonder and beauty but weapons and armour of great worth; and there was great traffic of ore between them and their kin in the Iron Hills. Thus the Northmen who lived between Celduin (River Running) and Carnen (Redwater) became strong and drove back all enemies from the East; and the Dwarves lived in plenty, and there was feasting and song in the Halls of Erebor.

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix A, Annals of the Kings and Rulers: Durin's Folk

At the same time as the great armies besieged Minas Tirith a host of the allies of Sauron that had long threatened the borders of King Brand crossed the River Carnen, and Brand was driven back to Dale. There he had the aid of the Dwarves of Erebor; and there was a great battle at the Mountain's feet.

The Return of the King, LoTR Appendix B, The Tale of Years: The Third Age

Contributors: Elena Tiriel 24Jun04

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