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Places in Middle-earth

Helm's Deep

Type: Fortresses, Towers, Defenses

Region: Rohan

Location: In the northward spur of the White Mountains, very close to the Gap of Rohan. It is in the area of Rohan called Westfold.

Description: 'Still some miles away, on the far side of the Westfold Vale, lay a green coomb, a great bay in the mountains, out of which a gorge opened in the hills. Men of that land called it Helm's Deep, after a hero of old wars who had made his refuge there. Ever steeper and narrower it wound inward from the north under the shadow of the Thrihyrne, till the crow-haunted cliffs rose like mighty towers on either side, shutting out the light.'
TTT, Book III, Ch 7, Helm's Deep

Contributors: Lyllyn 8.1.03

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