Timeline Event
Aragorn reaches Pelargir
Event Type: General
Age: 3rd Age - Ring War
Date: March 13, 3019
An event in the prelude to the Siege of Minas Tirith; see that entry for an overview:
'[We] hunted our foes..., until we came at the bitter end to the Great River at last.
'Then I thought... that we drew near to the Sea; for wide was the water in the darkness, and sea-birds innumerable cried on its shores. Alas for the wailing of the gulls! Did not the Lady tell me to beware of them? And now I cannot forget them.'
'For my part I heeded them not,' said Gimli; 'for we came then at last upon battle in earnest. There at Pelargir lay the main fleet of Umbar....'
The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 9, The Last Debate
Elena Tiriel 8Mar08, 28May11