Henneth Annun Reseach Center

Timeline Event

Éomer, Éowyn and the sons of Elrond leave Gondor for Rohan

Event Type: General

Age: 3rd Age - Ring War

Date: May 8, 3019


Éomer and Éowyn depart for Rohan with the sons of Elrond.

The Lord of the Rings, Appendix B, The Tale of Years: The Chief Days from the Fall of the Barad-dûr to the End of the Third Age

And last of all Aragorn greeted Éomer of Rohan, and they embraced, and Aragorn said: '.... Now, as you know, we have laid Théoden the Renowned in a tomb in the Hallows, and there he shall lie for ever among the Kings of Gondor, if you will. Or if you desire it, we will come to Rohan and bring him back to rest with his own people.'

And Éomer answered: '... now I must depart for a while to my own realm, where there is much to heal and set in order. But as for the Fallen, when all is made ready we will return for him; but here let him sleep a while.'

And Éowyn said to Faramir: 'Now I must go back to my own land and look on it once again, and help my brother in his labour; but when one whom I long loved as father is laid at last to rest, I will return.'

So the glad days passed; and on the eighth day of May the Riders of Rohan made ready, and rode off by the North-way, and with them went the sons of Elrond. All the road was lined with people to do them honour and praise them, from the Gate of the City to the walls of the Pelennor.

The Return of the King, LoTR Book 6, Ch 5, The Steward and the King

Tanaqui 15May05

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