Character Bios
Meaning: Old English, probably from éo horse and wyn joy.
Other Names: Dernhelm
Location(s): Rohan, Minas Tirith, Ithilien
Race/Species: Man
Type/Kind: Rohirrim
Title(s): White Lady of Rohan, Lady of the Shield-arm, Princess of Ithilien
Dates: III 2995 - IV
Parents: Éomund and Théodwyn
Siblings: Éomer Éadig
Spouse: Faramir
Children: Elboron
“Grave and thoughtful was her glance, as she looked on the king with cool pity in her eyes. Very fair was her face, and her long hair was like a river of gold. Slender and tall she was in her white robe girt with silver; but strong she seemed and stern as steel, a daughter of kings. Thus Aragorn for the first time in the full light of day beheld Eowyn, lady of Rohan, and thought her fair, fair and cold, like a morning of pale spring that is not yet come to womanhood.”
Book 3, Ch 6, The King of the Golden Hall, TTT, LOTR
“A young man, Merry thought as he returned the glance, less in height and girth than most. He caught the glint of clear grey eyes; and then he shivered, for it came suddenly to him that it was the face of one without hope who goes in search of death.”
Book 5, Chapter 3, The Muster of Rohan, RoTK, LOTR
"But the helm of her secrecy had fallen from her, and her bright hair, released from its bonds, gleamed in pale gold upon her shoulders. Her eyes grey as the sea were hard and fell, and yet tears were on her cheek. "
Book 5, Chapter 6, The Battle of Pelennor Fields, RoTK, LOTR
Dim Genesis, 12.27.02; Lyllyn 1.1.03, Thevina Finduilas 10.27.03